
10th May 2024: Maples Group Enhances EMIR Reconciliations with Fund Recs – Go to Press Release

5 Building Blocks to Automated Reconciliations

In just 30 seconds, Des O’Donohue, Managing Director at Fund Recs. walks through the five building blocks to automated reconciliations. Watch now.

5 Building Blocks to Automated Reconciliations

Presented by Des O'Donohoe

Video Transcription

So, five building blocks to automated reconciliations. One, you must either use SFTP or APIs where available. So no manually dropping files.

Two, whatever method you are using to extract the data from these files must not involve humans.

Three, to increase your auto match rates, use alias tables in the absence of identifiers.

Four, there's a world of useful MIS to be had, so your reports engine is crucial.

Five, make sure to include a full audit trail.

Any questions on these steps, feel free to reach out to us at fundrecs.com.

Reconciliation software for the Funds Industry

Our clients include:

Grant Thornton